Tag Archives: Brewvana tours

Brewvana Mid-Valley Brewery tour. Third Stop: Les Caves and Block 15

12 Feb

When we first talked about taking the Brewvana/New School beer tour to Albany and Corvalis, there was some discussion about how the write-up would be handled.  I can say that at the time, I was thrilled to be doing the last leg of the tour.  That meant I could relax and enjoy the experience of going into the first couple of breweries and tasting their beer without worrying about getting it all straight in my notes.  Seems reasonable, right?  By the time we reached Les Caves, I was no longer thrilled at how it had all worked out… Continue reading

Brewvana Mid-Valley Brewery tour. Second Stop: Flat Tail Brewing

11 Feb

As Michael mentioned, we went on a brewery tour in Albany and Corvallis last weekend. I’ll admit, it felt a tad weird to be on a tour to my home town. Plus, I had been to all three of these places at least once before. Well, not technically. I have never been to Flat Tail Brewing as Flat Tail Brewing. Back in the day, Flat Tail was a little pub called the Fox and Firkin. And it was at the Fox and Firkin that Michael and my love story began. Almost as importantly, it was where my love story with craft beer began.

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Brewvana Mid-Valley Brewery tour. First Stop: Calapooia Brewing

7 Feb

Last Saturday, a day too nice for February, Miranda, Brian and I boarded the Brewvana short bus and headed down to Albany and Corvallis.  The first stop was Calapooia Brewing.

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