Tag Archives: Rogue

Return of the Mack

1 Feb
Tonight's dinner...served with beer, of course

Tonight’s dinner…served with beer, of course

I’m back, baby!  The self-imposed hiatus is over.  I really don’t have a great reason for staying gone so long, I just needed to see if it could be done.  A full month without beer?  Check.  Ready to drink a shit-ton of beer this month?  Also check. Continue reading

One last time

21 Nov

A nice end to the season

I had been saving this Chatoe Rogue First Growth Wet Hop Ale (what a fucking mouthful) for a couple of weeks, not really knowing when I might get around to trying it.  We have clearly passed the fresh hop season, which is really only  a month long.  I still see some fresh hop beers on the store shelves, but since they are really meant to be sipped on earlier rather than later, it makes sense to plow through them relatively quickly.  I didn’t get after this one right away, but while prepping the turkey tonight, I decided to take a little of my own advice from last night and dig in.

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Reader’s Choice #1: Chatoe Rogue OREgasmic

10 Sep

Chatoe Rogue OREgasmic is the winner of our very first reader’s choice review. I have to admit, I was secretly hoping this one would win. Partly for the name. I mean, come on. Not only does it prove to be exciting, but the ORE means it is heavily rooted in Oregon. That said, like any other potentially mind-blowing experience, I know it can end one of two ways, so I am trying not to set my expectations too high.

Regardless of how it tastes, I do have to admit I’m excited about the fact that this beer is brewed using 100% OREGON Ingredients: Micro Barley Farm Dare™ and Risk™ Malts; First Growth Micro Hopyard Revolution and Independent Hops, Pacman Yeast and Free Range Coastal Water. The First Growth Oregon hops and malt are both grown on Rogue’s own micro hopyard and barley farm.

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Reader’s Choice

24 Aug

Brian’s recent summer beer posts, combined with a recent lack of inspiration for what to write about, have led me to consider a theme or series for some of my posts. Call me a copycat. That’s fine. I like cats. Have two in fact. Hmmm…maybe if I can get one of them to drink beer I could write about it from their perspective. I’m pretty sure Gus would have some witty, curmudgeony, maybe even flippant things to say. Something like, “yeah, it tastes like beer. What else do you need to know?” I guess that’s not that exciting for our followers. So I started thinking about what you might want to read about and that led me to….drumroll please…a Reader’s Choice series.

This is how it works:

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