Tag Archives: New Mexico beer

Marble’s India Pale Ale

13 Jul


Well, folks lets file this one under better late than never. Miranda and I are renewing our effort to post more regularly. More for Taphandle and more for us. I am not saying we were away from the drink all this time but the drinking was more the, damn I need a beer and not the lets enjoy the fine brew.
So, we are back at it with Marble’s IPA, from the collection of beer Brian brought back from New Mexico months ago. IPAs are not for aging, so we are definitely late on this one but here goes.

The beer poured a deep gold or light amber, with little to no head on the beer.

Michael: Light spicy hops and just a hint of the malt. Really nice
Miranda: Floral hop with just the lightest hint of citrus. Hiding in the background is a very light sweetness.

Michael: It appear to be unharmed in the passing of time, bright hop upfront with just enough of the malt to round out the flavor. Just as in the nose, the beer finish with a lingering spicy hop.
Miranda: Starts with a straight bitterness, like those imparted by English hops. This all comes together for a spicy, off dry and lingering finish.

This beer has a light to medium body, and lightly carbonated. This made the beer very easy drinking.

Overall impression
Michael: An excellent standard IPA, I am again impressed with Marble’s offerings. Well crafted and flavorful, just the right IPA for hanging out at the pub and shooting the shit with friends.
Miranda: It is good, just the break I needed on a Saturday afternoon.

Well, this is not the last of the Marble beers we have, expect to hear about the red and amber ales soon. Or if you just happen to be in the Southwest, make Marble one of your destinations. I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Marble’s Wildflower Wheat

19 May

Marble's Wildflower Wheat

Marble’s Imperial Red, is a big and wonderfully hoppy beer, the kind of beer those of us who have been drinking craft beer for a long time now can gather around. But not all craft beers can taste like this, nor should they.  This is a post in praise of tricycle beers (and in Marbles case this is not a bad name).  A beer for those new to or redisent to try a craft beer and when well crafted, for many to remember that we didn’t always reach for a hoppy IPA.  Well crafted is the key here.  These beers tend to be on top of a beer list and are there to be a draw for new customers and they require as much attention as the IPA, belgians, stouts down the list.

I have found myself in front of a taster tray, I am sure you have too, at a unfamailar brewery and the beers are just not notable until you get to the pale ale.  This is how such top of the beer list get a bad name.  I have discounted many brew like this as just tricycle beers.  Made with the assumption those ordering the beer know little of craft beer.  This has always been disappointing to me.  We all know someone who will drink a light craft beer when served a good one, but will generally just grab their favorite macrobrew because it is easier and they know what they are getting.  A well crafted blond or wheat can, and does change minds

Marble Brewery’s Wildflower Wheat is just such a beer.  I will admit, I opened the bottle with lowered expectations.  Honey beers are many times what a top of the list beers should not be; sweet, thin and rather boring.  From the first sip, I had to readjust my expectations.  This was a very good beer.  The beer did not have much aroma to speak of.  The wheat started everything off, then came the hops bright and crisp, almost pilsner-like.  Then the beer finish with very slight sweetness and just enough body to let one know they are drinking an ale.  This beer was best cold, at the end of the glass the sweetness became more noticeable.  I think this is all the better,  anyone use to a cold bud may stay for a pint or three of this refreshing beer.  Who knows, on this tricycle a new customer might ride over and try more of Marble’s brews.


31 Mar
A stellar offering

A stellar offering

You may remember from our GABF posts, a little snippet on Marble Brewery, out of Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Their Imperial Red Ale won a silver, and it was well deserved.  By far one of the best beers we had during our four days in Denver.  I am happy to say that our experience in Denver was not an aberration.  Marble is the real deal. And even better?  They are now available in Southern New Mexico and El Paso. Continue reading

darkness delivered in a can

22 Mar


Last time we were here, I found a pretty awesome IPA from Santa Fe Brewing Company.  I didn’t plan on buying more beer from them this time around, but look at that can!  It’s their Black IPA.   Love the simple, clean design.   This one is part Oakland Raiders and part Cylon to me.  Love it. Continue reading

Things to do in Denver when you’re drunk (aka: attending GABF)

19 Oct

Not even sure what beer was in the glass when this was taken…but who cares, right? GABF!!!

So…GABF.  Big beer festival.  Really big beer festival.  I returned Sunday from my first trip to this craft beer institution and it’s only now that I feel physically and mentally ready to write about what I saw and experienced.  That should tell you a little something about the amount of beer that was consumed on this trip.  What’s funny is that I ran into plenty of Oregon brewers and industry folk and they hit it twice as hard as I did.  I don’t know how people do it.  I thought of breaking this thing up into multiple posts, but I’m thinking now that I’ll just break the days out and cram the whole thing into one.  Hang on, folks! Continue reading