Tag Archives: summer beer

it’s gonna be a scorcher out there

28 Jun
A hillside view of Overlook Park and the NAOBF

A hillside view of Overlook Park and the NAOBF

I have lived in hot places…southern New Mexico and west Texas, for example.  But those are dry heats.  Here in Portland, when it gets into the 90s with even a hint of humidity, it gets pretty intense.  Today was one of those days.  I kind of knew it was going to be that way when I walked outside at 8:30 am and it was already getting slightly uncomfortable.  Good thing I was going to the North American Organic Brewer’s Festival at noon! Continue reading

Oregon summer series: beer #7

21 Sep

I gotta work on my photo skills…

That’s it.  It’s over.  Done.  Summer has finally gasped it’s last breath.  Ok, so maybe we get a few more 75 degree days, but with the overcast sky and light mist today, I think it’s safe to call it.  It was a good ride this year.  Lots of sun and a long streak of dry days (over 50) through late July and into September.  But with the death of summer in the Pacific Northwest comes the end of my summer beer series.  Probably should have started sooner, but…it is what it is.  I’ll get a earlier start next year.  In the meantime, it’s onto Fall.  Not sure yet what I’ll title it (suggestions welcome), but I’ll be focusing on those beers/ciders that I love drinking this time of year.  We can call the Witch Hunt post an early test run.  All that said, I did drink and write up a little something on one last beer, so…here it is: Continue reading

Oregon summer series: beer #6

16 Sep

Cheap and tasty. Who could ask for anything more?

I had the pleasure of attending a 3 year old’s birthday party yesterday.  Pleasure because I was hanging with one of my best friends and our kids are pretty much inseparable when they get together.  Works the insanity and energy right out of both of them.  He even bought one of those inflatable bouncy castle-things for the kids.  Needless to say, mine passed out the minute we got home last night. Continue reading

Oregon summer series: beer #5

8 Sep

pretty sweet looking for a sour

Sometimes things just work out.  Sometimes you make a beer selection and it coincides with some information you just learned about the beer/brewer/brewery.  Sometimes it just happens to occur with one of the best beers you have tasted in all of 2012.  This is one of those times.  Maybe I shouldn’t have given up on summer so quickly… Continue reading

Oregon summer series: beer #2

16 Aug

Who says “no” to free beer? Not this guy.

A couple of days ago, I lent a co-worker my La Caha China roasting box for his annual Meatapalooza party (good article about them here).  During the return of the box, as a thank you, he brought over some Ninkasi Radiant Ale for us to drink.  After sharing one in the garage and shooting the shit, he left and I had four beers in need of consumption.  What a perfect opportunity to add to my Oregon Summer Series, I thought. Continue reading